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Monday, January 9, 2017

Superb click of tennis ball

Don't disturb me i m taking sun bath

Snow town

Butterflies are my best friends

I can capture too perfect

Super perfect click

Without tranning they can do it

Just enjoy day and night at the same time

Just look at the perfect lineup

Dangerous eye

Who want to eat?

First learn then start

Monday, December 26, 2016

People think according to their perceptions

Think long term

Don't judges someone

Self confidence

Open ur heart

My life my rules

The last dinner


Necessity is the mother of Cappuccino

Mercedes office

Enemies in row

Who want buy food from him


Direct way of hell

Take a side please my ferrari on the road

World no.1 selfie addicted guy

Invention of the year

Use and throw

Monday, December 19, 2016

Viking swords

Viking Swords at Stavanger Swords Monument
In Stavanger, Norway there is an area near the seashore where a tremendous battle took place back during the age of the Vikings. This battle apparently helped unify the country. These swords are 10 meters tall.

Three enormous bronze swords stand monument to the battle of Hafrsfjord in the year 872, when Harald Hårfagre (Fairheaded Harald) united Norway into one kingdom. The monument was designed by Fritz Røed (1928 - 2002) from Bryne, just south of Stavanger. It was unveiled by Norway's King Olav in 1983.

The swords, which are about 10 meters tall, stand for peace and unification. One sword is larger than the others. This was Fairheaded Harald's sword. The swords are planted in solid rock - representing peace.

The swords can be found at Møllebukta which is a bay area on the southern shore of Hafrsfjord. The name "Møllebukta" derives from "mølla" (mill) and "bukt (bay). There used to be a corn mill here. Today the area is one of Stavangers most popular recreational areas.

Best poses for photography

These days everyone is a photographer... but mostly people don't know how to pose for a good photo.
Pandorabox brings a picture for you to learn that how we can be look better in our pics poses.

Father... first friend of a person

Everyone loves her mother but how many of us thinks father loves us more then mother?

When freedom was not free

Australia, until 60s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act,  classified them as animals, not human beings

Top ten photos of 2016 in a video

Here are the some funny pics of 2016
Watch video and enjoy